Thursday, November 17, 2016

How to protect Gmail account from hacking

How to protect Gmail account from hacking

Hello my dear friends, I am Chauhan founder of TECH WORLD SMART. In this article, i inform your how to save G-mail id from hacking. G-mail id is not only purpose of send and receive mail. G-mail is one of the greatest identity proof for the internet its identify you that your are reliable person or wrong person. It is work as a identity proof. We know that lots of work by internet. If we will be fill up any form then ask for Email Id for the unique identification. So G-mail id most important for every one who use internet and main motive we safe our G-mail id from hacking.

If like me you have G-mail id to work online on internet and must have increase security on G-mail account because without security G-mail Id is just like open lock. If your gmail id not secure then it is very dangerous. If any hacker hacked your G-mail Id then use your G-mail id for hacking other G-mail Id. So be carefull always because we know that we have lots of secure information in our G-mail id. Lots of hacker used hacking G-mail id in wrong work.

In this article, i inform you about lots of tricks and tips such as your Gmail id will be secured. After that hackers will not be hacked your G-mail id. If any hackers try to hacking your G-mail id as soon as you will known and notification will show on your G-mail account. we need to learn about Gmail before proceeding increase security in G-mail Account.

About Of Gmail

Gmail is a free, advertising-supported email service provided by Google its free of cost. More and more may access Gmail as secure webmail. Gmail started as an invitation-only beta release on April 1, 2004 and it became available to the general public on February 7, 2007, though still in beta status at that time. The service was upgraded from beta status on July 7, 2009, along with the rest of the Google Apps suite.

How to protect Gmail account from hacking

Google's free of cost email service provide by Gmail. Gmail is Google's services as you already know that this not so easy to hack Gmail account but not too be Impossible. I will give you some tips below which will apply to Gmail and will not be hacked by any hackers.

Before login check the URL.

First of all, before login gmail account should be check the URL. Because The page might be a fake page that we are login. Fake Gmail is again created fake Gmail id by hackers and then sent a mail with G-mal Page link by fake gmail to your original gmail account. When click on given link then open a page as Gooogle's Gmail page. If you login with username and password on fake page then retrieve your username and password by hackers. First of all before login can check gmail website URL then flow next step. Original page of Gmail : Before gmail account you must have check the URL And Such as the URL of the Fake page will be show a little dfferent:, To avoid fake login page by typing first and login with username and password.

Change Gmail Password On Regular Basis :
If want to protect your Gmail account then change your Gmail password within 2 month. It is most important for Gmail account protection. We know that if we change password on regular basis then our Gmail account will be safe .

Choose A Strong Password : 
Must have a strong password of Gamil account because easy password such as Name, Date of Birth and Mobile Number its may be addressed any one. I will suggest you that must have a difficult password for purpose of protect your Gmail account. Gmail account password must have like that exam@#*123.

Gmail 2 Step Verification Turn On:
Gmail's 2 step verification always have turn on to stop hack your Gmail account from Hackers. If you turn on Gmail's two-step verification then your Gmail account is protect from Hackers . After the two-step verification of Gmail account just will not open password without OTP and Always ask for OTP. OTP is needed for login your Gmail account.

Update Recovery Option :
If for some reason you are unable to login to Gmail account then must required one e-mail and mobile number, And recover your password. This is necessary to add to my recovery email address and mobile number.

After login Always Log Off From Other Devices :
Gmail account to log on to your friend's Computer or other Devices have not forgotten to log out. The much better for you, Do not log in to another Devices.

In so many ways I mentioned above so that you can secure your Gmail account. If any problem face by give ways then direct connect with me by comment box.


It is really helpful article please read it too my blog Secure Gmail Account From Hackers

To set up your Gmail on an Android phone, first of all, open the Settings menu and then, go to the Accounts on your device. The Accounts settings screed splays your current sync settings and a list of your accounts that are using. Tap on Add Account and then, tap on Google to add your Goggle Apps Account.
Gmail Helpline Number UK

The user will have to open the Gmail interface further the user should choose the option “settings” after that the user should select “general” and should then scroll down to the signature area after that the user should click on the radio button given next to the email address, for knowing more the user should reach out to the experts at +44-800-368-9067 the lines are open 24*7 also the technical team can be connected through live chats and emails.
Gmail Support Number UK
